Datele problemei:

  • o mama studenta, cu bebelusul la purtator, la facultate, in timpul cursurilor.
  • bebelusul incepe sa planga
  • studenta-mama se ridica si da sa iasa din sala ca sa nu deranjeze

Ce face profesorul?

Ia copilul in brate si isi continua nestingherit cursul.

Poveste reala, spusa de fiica profesorului, Sarit Fishbaine

„The University is known in Jerusalem.
The course-organizational behavior.
Teacher-Dr. Sidney Engelberg teaches for the master’s degree program, so he has a lot of older students.
The event: a baby of one of the students who attended class, begins to cry. Instead of dropping out, the teacher (who is also a  grandfather) did not hesitate to soothe the baby himself and continues the nonchalance that lesson.
In short, this moment where you discover that a foreign student documenting the situation.
There’s a lot of young moms and a lot of them have babies, and he encourages them to just bring their babies to class,.
That’s what I call „organizational behavior”! Show me another run like that.
Because my father is the best in the world. ”

Omul se mira ca imaginea sa cu bebelusul a devenit virala si nu prea intelege de ce. Pentru el, gestul sau este perfect normal si natural.

Sursa foto

Dincolo de materia pe care o preda,  acest profesor da niste lectii de viata absolut minunate.

Ma intreb cum ar fi reactionat stimabilii nostri profesori.

Oh, wait :)

Trivia: in caz ca sunteti curiosi ce preda dl profesor la momentul respectiv: Teoria identitatii sociale.

PS: Ca sa fim scrupulosi pana la capat, cursul se numeste „comportament organizational” :)